Lisa Dale Miller

Lisa Dale Miller, MFT is a mindfulness-based psychotherapist in private practice in Los Gatos, CA. Lisa presents at conferences on the clinical applications of mindfulness and offers trainings for psychotherapeutic professionals on mindfulness interventions. She teaches MBRP, MBCT, MBSR, and has created MBDBT. Lisa has been a yogic and vipassana meditation practitioner for more than 30 years.

Learn from Lisa Dale Miller, MFT at the Awakening To Mindfulness Conference - April 2-4, 2009.

Teaching: Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)

This presentation provides an overview of MBRP, a group based, 8 week outpatient program that combines traditional RP with mindfulness meditation. Various meditation strategies are described to cope with urges and craving (e.g. “urge surfing”) and preliminary outcome data will be presented.

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